Polynomial Interpolation I-II

The Newton Method - Divided Differences and Conclusions - Error Formulas - The Runge Phenomenon

■ Specific Sources

! Script Newton-Interpolation

Schaum's Outline of Numerical Analysis: Chapter 8, Chapter 2

Bronstein: Section 19.6.1: (Aitken-Neville Formula, Newton Interpolation)

■ Teaching Material for the Classroom (Mathematica Notebooks, Exercises, Demos etc.)

! Exercises 1
! Exercises 2

! Solutions 1
! Solutions 2

Mathematica-Notebook: Visualizations of Interpolation Formulas: Interpolation1.nb
Mathematica-Notebook and Excel-File with Example: Case_Durchfluss.zip
Mathematica-Notebook: Visualization of Chebyshev Arguments: ChebyshevKnots1.nb

★ Further Topics or Subjects from the Bachelor Degree Program

Taylor Approximation and Taylor Series: Schaum's Outline of Numerical Analysis (Chapter 11)

Special Formulas for Equally Spaced Arguments: Schaum's Outline of Numerical Analysis (Chapter 6, Chapter 7)

☆ General Sources (Encyclopedias a.s.o. with prompt or index search)

Mathworld: http://www.mathworld.com
Wikipedia Category of Numerical Analysis: en.wikipedia.org
Springer Encyclopedia of Math Online (Advanced): https://encyclopediaofmath.org