■ Specific Sources
! Script Least-Squares Approximation Script MinMax Approximation (Chebyshev)
Least-Squares: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Least_squares
Linear Least-Squares: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_least_squares
Gram-Schmidt Procedure: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gram-Schmidt
■ Teaching Material for the Classroom (Mathematica Notebooks, Exercises, Demos etc.)
Mathematica-Notebook Linear Least-Squares: LeastSquares1.nb
Mathematica-Notebook and Excel-File
with Example from Lecture1 cont.: Case_Durchfluss.zip
Mathematica-Notebook with 3d example: Case_Hand3DLeastSquares.nb and 3d point set as .txt file pointsall.txt
! Exercises 6 and
! Solutions 6
! Exercises 7 and
! Solutions 7 and Solutions 7 Figures
! Exercises 8 and
! Solutions 8
★ Further Topics or Subjects from the Bachelor Degree Program
Nonlinear Least-Squares: Bronstein: Section 19.6.2
Multivariate Least-Squares Approximation: Bronstein: Section 19.6.2
Min-Max-Approximation: Schaum's Outline of Numerical
Analysis: Chapter 22
Chebyshev-Approximation (Min-Max): Bronstein: Section
Trigonometric Approximation: Schaum's Outline of Numerical
Analysis: Chapter
Harmonic Analysis:
Bronstein: Section 16.2.4
☆ General Sources (Encyclopedias a.s.o. with prompt or index search)
Mathworld: http://www.mathworld.com
Wikipedia Category of Numerical Analysis: en.wikipedia.org
Springer Encyclopedia of Math Online (Advanced): https://encyclopediaofmath.org